
Restore Self Defense at Salisbury University

We, the undersigned students and members of the Salisbury University community, request an amendment to the Code of Community Standards Policy to allow students to possess and carry pepper spray for self-defense purposes. The current policy broadly prohibits items that could threaten campus safety, inadvertently including pepper spray. While the policy aims to maintain safety, this restriction deprives students of a critical non-lethal means of self-defense.

Salisbury University has experienced an increase in reported crimes, including assaults and harassment, leaving students vulnerable. According to the 2023 Campus Crime Report, there were 3 reported rapes, 6 cases of fondling, 1 robbery, 1 aggravated assault, 1 burglary, 4 instances of dating violence, and 6 stalking incidents on campus. Studies indicate that self-defense measures, including the use of pepper spray, are successful in deterring or preventing further harm in 90% of cases.

A recent, alarming incident further underscores the need for students to have access to self-defense tools. On February 11, 2024, a Salisbury University student was followed, grabbed, and nearly kidnapped by a 31-year-old man, Kendall Sneade Jr., in a university parking lot. The victim had to fight off her attacker using only her hands, kicking and punching to escape. If she had access to pepper spray, she could have neutralized the threat faster, preventing a terrifying struggle for survival. This attack highlights the urgent necessity for non-lethal self-defense options on campus.

Pepper spray is non-lethal, designed to incapacitate an aggressor momentarily, allowing the user to escape. Maryland’s legal framework permits its use for self-defense, as outlined in MD Criminal Law Code § 4-101, which does not classify pepper spray as a deadly weapon when used for self-defense. This legal foundation ensures that pepper spray remains a lawful and effective option unless explicitly restricted by institutional policies.

We propose the following policy amendment to ensure student safety:

“Exception for Self-Defense Tools: The possession and use of pepper spray or similar non-lethal self-defense devices are permitted on campus and at University-affiliated events, provided that such devices are used solely for personal safety and self-defense. Misuse of these devices may result in disciplinary action under University conduct procedures.”

Many peer institutions have already adjusted their policies to allow non-lethal self-defense tools while maintaining a safe campus environment. Implementing this change would enhance student safety without compromising the university’s core values.

We, the undersigned students, faculty, and staff, stand in support of this amendment. Salisbury University must take immediate action to protect its students by allowing them to carry pepper spray for self-defense.

Restore Self Defense at Salisbury University

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