


Our vision is to build the bench of liberty legislators at the state level who will advance a pro-liberty philosophy, ascend to higher office, and reclaim the direction of our government.


Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) is the most active and effective pro-liberty youth organization advancing liberty on campus. Our four-step mission is to identify, educate, train, and mobilize youth activists to make liberty win.

1) Identify Youth Leaders through YAL’s National Campus Program

Achieving our mission begins by building the youth army for liberty. By organizing YAL chapters on campus, we are able to identify youth activists who are open to the ideas of liberty.

2) Educate through On-Campus Activism Events

We then help these chapters grow and educate their members in the philosophy of liberty. YAL provides educational resources to students on campus and organizes major events where members can come learn from experts on pro-liberty philosophy.

3) Train YAL Members in How to Make Liberty Win

At YAL’s major training events, activists learn everything they need to know in order to effectively advance the ideas of liberty including:

  • How to grow their chapters on campus
  • How to be effective communicators and organizers for the liberty movement
  • How to run effective campaigns and Get Out The Vote
  • How to win as a liberty candidate running for public office

4) Mobilize through Operation Win at the Door

Through Operation Win at the Door, YAL identifies top students activists to knock doors to help pro-liberty candidates win and get pro-liberty legislation passed. Teams of youth activists flood key districts and make three door-knocking passes to tip the scales in favor of liberty.

Since 2018, YAL trained youth activists have knocked over 3 million doors, with our Hazlitt Coalition members adding up to over 320 liberty legislators across the country.

Getting liberty candidates elected is not valuable unless these leaders can remain principled under pressure and be effective at passing liberty legislation.

YAL’s Hazlitt Coalition exists to hold these leaders accountable and provide training and resources that make these champions more effective in their state legislatures and more apt to ascend to higher office.

Support YAL’s work to Restore Liberty

At YAL, we are dedicated to #MakeLibertyWin, and we will not stop until our goals are met, but this will not be possible without help.

A contribution of $100, $50, or even $25 will go a long way towards creating a freer tomorrow.

Thank you in advance for your investment in YAL.


You can also donate Bitcoin to YAL’s wallet address: 3AUWx7uc7Cy1XJFXyGfkXZGwQvyX8aro1p

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