
Allow Tasers at the University of Missouri Columbia

In Missouri, it is currently legal to carry Tasers for Self Defense

University Of Missouri Columbia Currently Ranks an F on Safety According to the American School Search, Meaning our fellow students are consistently at risk. Despite this fact, Mizzou bans students from carrying tasers.

American School search stated “From our perception of the data, this campus experiences major problems with forcible sex offenses, additionally, there are certain problems with illegal drugs and nonforcible sex offenses”

The lack of ability for students to have basic self-defense methods will only cause this average number of cases to rise. Returning the decision to carry a taser on campus to the students will allow us, the students, to have a safer experience during our time here.

We demand that students be allowed to have unrestricted access on campus (including but not limited to, administrative offices and buildings, classrooms, dining halls, and exercise facilities) to arm themselves with tasers. We hereby Petition President Mun Young Choi to repeal the ban of Tasers for Self Defense at Mizzou.

In Missouri, it is currently legal to carry Tasers for Self Defense University Of Missouri Columbia Currently Ranks an F on Safety According to the American School Search, Meaning our fellow students are consistently at risk. Despite this fact, Mizzou bans students from carrying tasers. American School search stated "From our perception of the data, this campus experiences major problems with forcible sex offenses, additionally, there are certain problems with illegal drugs and nonforcible sex offenses" The lack of ability for students to have basic self-defense methods will only cause this average number of cases to rise. Returning the decision to carry a taser on campus to the students will allow us, the students, to have a safer experience during our time here. We demand that students be allowed to have unrestricted access on campus (including but not limited to, administrative offices and buildings, classrooms, dining halls, and exercise facilities) to arm themselves with tasers. We hereby Petition President Mun Young Choi to repeal the ban of Tasers for Self Defense at Mizzou.

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