

In its way, the state is akin to a virus: it does everything it can to infect an industry in the private sector. It bogs it down with regulations, taxes, and bureaucracy, decreasing competition and raising prices until the contagion eventually spreads to another industry to wreak similar havoc on the health of the market....
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The rights of American ranchers and farmers are at stake. In early March of this year, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, an omnibus spending bill that included a $15 million earmark for the electronic tracking of cattle owned by farmers and ranchers in the US. Through this act, the Department of Agriculture will...
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With the rise of social media as the new marketplace of ideas, the uniparty elite have set their sights on stifling perhaps the last frontier of free speech in America, encapsulated in H.R. 7521, colloquially known as the TikTok ban bill. The bill, recently passed by a 352-65 margin, nominally would force Bytedance, TikTok’s Chinese...
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The connection between our brains, the media, and inflation warrants more attention than we may realize.    Anyone who pays a reasonable amount of attention to the news today will recognize the heavily-politicized and partisan nature of most news outlets.  Whether it is Fox News or CNN, there is typically very little doubt as to...
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