

  There has been a long-standing myth in political elections called the “Incumbent Advantage.” Accordingly, in any given race, the incumbent has an inherent edge over any challengers and is usually safe in their seat despite negative approval ratings from constituents. However, given the groundwork that has been laid and the success achieved by Young...
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Yet again, Congress has proved itself to be the enemy of privacy rights in America. A bill reauthorizing Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act was called to a vote this week in the House of Representatives, and defenders of the Constitution were quick to sound the alarm bells that it would be used...
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In the early stages of the 20th century, then-American President Woodrow Wilson addressed Congress, imploring them to declare war against Imperial Germany and for America to enter full force into World War I. At a time when the Constitution still mattered in Washington, Wilson, limited in his capacity and requiring Congressional approval, painted a vividly...
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“He’s a lost ball in tall weeds.”-Congressman Thomas Massie on Speaker Mike Johnson In a recent episode of Kibbe on Liberty, libertarian firebrand Matt Kibbe sat down with fellow liberty champion Congressman Thomas Massie (R-KY), focusing exclusively on the controversies surrounding current (and hopefully soon to be ousted) Speaker of the House Mike Johnson (R-LA)....
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  The Student Rights Campaign (SRC) has been waging arguably its most important battle in its ongoing mission to defend the Constitutional rights of students nationwide: the fight for Constitutional carry on campus in South Dakota.    The campaign, which has been in operation for over two years, was initiated by SRC’s former South Dakota...
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The Student Rights Campaign (SRC) is having an extremely successful year in 2024.    Following an amazing win for free speech in California, SRC has scored a victory for the right to self-defense for students on college campuses in Tennessee.    HB 1909, introduced to the Tennessee House of Representatives by Rep. Gino Bulso and...
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The Dartmouth Political Union recently hosted a debate entitled “Guns in America: An Expert Debate on Gun Control,” in which former Libertarian Party Vice Presidential candidate Spike Cohen squared off against notorious gun control advocate David Hogg. As with most debates regarding gun rights, the focus primarily dealt with various statistics involving firearms and homicides,...
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While most news junkies will have their attention drawn to the Presidential election this year, those who follow local politics in the state of Texas will be focusing on a policy fight that is no less, if not more so, controversial: school choice.    Fresh off the heels of the recent GOP primary in which...
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In its way, the state is akin to a virus: it does everything it can to infect an industry in the private sector. It bogs it down with regulations, taxes, and bureaucracy, decreasing competition and raising prices until the contagion eventually spreads to another industry to wreak similar havoc on the health of the market....
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The rights of American ranchers and farmers are at stake. In early March of this year, Congress passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, an omnibus spending bill that included a $15 million earmark for the electronic tracking of cattle owned by farmers and ranchers in the US. Through this act, the Department of Agriculture will...
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