
End the Taser Ban at University of North Carolina

As of 2024, it is legal to carry tasers for use in self-defense in North Carolina.

In the UNC Greensboro University Policy Manual Section 4. Policy “WEAPONS ON CAMPUS” states “under North Carolina law and University policy, no weapons may be possessed or carried on the University premises.” It goes on to say “knives are permitted on campus” but has no mention of self-defense exceptions including tasers.

According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, “81% of women and 43% of men have reported being sexually assaulted in their lifetime.”

The students at UNCG deserve to feel safe on campus. They also have a right to defend themselves using a weapon that is only meant to incapacitate the target. The current policy is vague and does not provide provision for self-defense. We hereby petition President Peter Hans to amend the policy to include a clear exception for self-defense using tasers.

As of 2024, it is legal to carry Tasers for use in Self Defense in North Carolina In the UNC Greensboro University Policy Manual Section 4. Policy WEAPONS ON CAMPUS" The handbook states "Under North Carolina law and University policy, no weapons may be possessed or carried on the University Premises." It goes on to say Knives are permitted on campus but has no mention of self-defense exceptions or Tasers for that matter According to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, 81% of Women and 43% of Men have reported being sexually assaulted in their lifetime. The students at UNCG deserve to feel safe on campus. They also have a right to defend themselves using a weapon that is only meant to incapacitate the target. The current policy is vague and leaves no room for self-defense. We hereby petition President Peter Hans to amend the policy to include a clear carve-out for self-defense using Tasers.

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