Quinn Whittington launched this fight to combat the shutdown of free speech on campus. Petitioning has just begun, with minimal initial movement.Read More
Jackson Evans launched a campaign to address free speech zones and restrictive housing policies. The fight remains in its early stages, with moderate petition gathering and slow progress.Read More
YAL activists successfully stopped an anti-free speech policy proposed by the University of California System’s Board of Regents, which aimed to control students’ online posts. After a robust campaign, including mass emails and public comment advocacy, the policy was defeated, protecting 280,000 students’ rights.Read More
At the annual SRC Strategy Summit, Emma and the Student Rights team Identified that UNF had a restrictive policy against nonlethal weapons on campus. Inspired by her training at YALCON, Emma hopped into action and began tabling to support an amended policy change. During this time, she also helped to push forward a beneficial Free...Read More
Another win and another huge step for Free Speech on campus! State Chair Emma MacCutheon was on campus petitioning against the school for a new and amended weapons policy promoting self-defense on campus. During the petitioning, she was approached by administrators who told her to pack up and leave, even though other students were protesting...Read More