Jackson Evans launched a campaign to address free speech zones and restrictive housing policies. The fight remains in its early stages, with moderate petition gathering and slow progress.Read More
Students at Dakota State University have long endured dangerous and subpar living conditions, including gas leaks and faulty locks. This campaign aims to grant students the freedom to choose safer, more suitable housing options.Read More
Rachel Stevenson, recognizing the poor quality of food, fought against mandatory meal plans at Montana State. Gathering 700 signatures with strong chapter support, Rachel successfully rallied student opposition to the unjust policy. The following semester her inheritor Sam Smith took over and has spearheaded efforts strongly since. If you would like to see an example...Read More
Remy Pearl led the fight against mandatory meal plans for first and second-year resident students. Through tireless tabling and advocacy, Remy gathered 600 signatures and delivered petitions directly to the president’s staffer. A follow-up meeting is planned for next semester to push for reform.Read More
Addressing mandatory on-campus housing policies at Texas State University. The campaign highlighted student dissatisfaction and pushed for policy reform.Read More
Josh Metzel led a successful campaign at Colorado School of Mines to end the mandatory meal plan. After gathering 504 signatures and negotiating with the administration over contractual obligations, the board voted to make the meal plan voluntary on May 3, 2024. This was a pivotal victory in grassroots activism by hitting the wallet of...Read More
Lucas LeJeune initiated this campaign to address mandatory housing and meal plan requirements across the Louisiana system. He has amassed an impressive 800 signatures in just a semester and is working hard to get to his goal of 1,000.Read More
In one of the fastest rises of a YAL activist in our history, former State Chair and current South Regional Director Trenten Rippy took action upon discovering that students at his local high school were being unfairly charged for parking on campus. The fee applied only to students who drove, excluding parents, staff, and administrators....Read More