Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is now speaking out against the Idaho Legislature for failing to pass school choice for all of the state’s children. YAL urges Idaho voters to hold Senate President Pro Tempore Chuck Winder and other Republican “no” votes accountable in the months ahead, and to support true pro-liberty legislators who actually represent their constituents.
In recent months, YAL activists knocked on more than 6,000 doors and made over 7,000 phone calls in support of state Sen. Tammy Nichols’ Senate Bill 1038. Members of YAL’s Hazlitt Coalition—the organization’s growing network of more than 320 legislators from over 40 states—led the Idaho Legislature to pursue educational reform for Governor Brad Little to sign into law. And while YAL celebrates the efforts of Nichols and other pro-liberty lawmakers in the state, the organization is not afraid to criticize those who have failed to stand up for Idaho families.
Below is a statement from YAL Chief Strategy Officer Brendan Steinhauser:
“The Idaho Senate was handed the perfect school choice bill on a silver platter this week—but, disappointingly, turned it down. This move was especially shocking because certain former ‘liberty’ Republicans led the charge in taking down the school choice bill. YAL is committed to holding politicians
accountable for denying generations of Idahoans universal school choice.”