America’s leading youth liberty organization will gather over 200 pro-liberty legislators to discuss agenda for 2023 and 2024 legislative cycles
Austin, TX — Today, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s leading youth liberty organization—announced that its Hazlitt Policy Summit will take place in November, drawing more than 200 pro-liberty legislators from across America to discuss their agenda for the 2023 and 2024 legislative cycles. Gathering the best and brightest minds in the United States, the Hazlitt Policy Summit will discuss a wide range of policy priorities, such as Constitutional Carry, medical freedom, right-to-work, school choice, and much more.
The Hazlitt Policy Summit is made possible by YAL’s Hazlitt Coalition, a growing network of more than 300 pro-liberty legislators in nearly 40 U.S. states. The hundreds of Hazlitt members across America are the champions of liberty at the state level, and the conference will serve as a celebration of their efforts. In 2021, the Hazlitt Coalition made 88 million Americans more free. This year, the Hazlitt Coalition and its allies have already helped make over 90 million Americans more free, and they are integral to YAL’s broader mission—inspiring young people to spread freedom and liberty from state to state.
“YAL is beyond excited to convene so many liberty lawmakers at a single event,” said YAL CEO Lauren Daugherty. “Our Hazlitt members are truly forces of nature, setting the agenda for any and all pro-liberty policymaking at the state level while making tens of millions of Americans more free in the process. Beginning with the Hazlitt Policy Summit, we look forward to winning exponentially more policy fights in the future, pushing back against those who oppose liberty in our country.”