

In its way, the state is akin to a virus: it does everything it can to infect an industry in the private sector. It bogs it down with regulations, taxes, and bureaucracy, decreasing competition and raising prices until the contagion eventually spreads to another industry to wreak similar havoc on the health of the market....
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After months of mobilization against the University of Louisiana (UL) System’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is proud to announce victory. The UL System recently reversed mandates governing the nine member institutions after sustained action by YAL activists, with UL System websites no longer mentioning requirements or...
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In light of the Maine Community College System announcing an end to its COVID-19 vaccine mandate, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is urging the University of Maine System to follow suit. The UMaine System continues to uphold its vaccine mandate, which YAL argues is a violation of medical freedom and individual privacy....
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Pro-liberty student activists gathered hundreds of petition signatures, persuading university leaders to support medical freedom Austin, TX — Today, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is celebrating the removal of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, where YAL student activists have defended medical freedom for months....
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YAL mobilized on 37 campuses, collected thousands of petition signatures, and advanced dozens of pro-liberty bills Austin, TX — Today, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is celebrating the effective end of COVID-19 tyranny on campus. While many colleges and universities continue to impose COVID-related restrictions and undermine student rights, the...
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Ousting Kentucky State House Majority Whip Chad McCoy, Massaroni latest to join pro-liberty Hazlitt Coalition Austin, TX — Today, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—celebrated the pivotal role it played in propelling Candy Massaroni to victory in Kentucky’s 50th District. YAL’s newest Hazlitt Coalition member, Massaroni challenged Kentucky State House Majority Whip Chad McCoy and the state’s entire...
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