In light of Mississippi enacting SB 2079, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is proud to celebrate teacher carry coming to yet another state. The newly established “Mississippi School Safety Guardian Act” paves the way for trained school employees to carry concealed firearms in order to protect students, employees, and others. It is a major win for the Second Amendment in the Magnolia State.
YAL’s Hazlitt Coalition—the growing network of more than 320 pro-liberty lawmakers from over 40 states—was instrumental in getting teacher carry across the finish line. State Sen. Melanie Sojourner, a Hazlitt member, was the primary sponsor of SB 2079.
State Rep. Dana Criswell, also a Hazlitt member, is another key supporter of teacher carry. Below is a statement from Criswell:
“With the passage of SB 2079 in Mississippi, we are sending a message to everyone who wishes to do our students harm: Don’t try it. Evil people should be afraid to come to our schools, and now teachers are equipped to handle this unfortunate danger. Schools should never be sitting ducks. Our children ought to be the most protected group of people in our society, not the least. This legislation ensures that, and I am proud of the Mississippi Legislature for taking the bold step to protect our children.”