Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is proud to welcome State Representative Tony Tinderholt to its Hazlitt Coalition, which now includes more than 300 pro-liberty lawmakers from nearly 40 states. A father, combat veteran, and true champion of liberty, Tinderholt is an exciting addition to the most influential coalition of state legislators in America.
Tinderholt is currently challenging Texas Speaker Dade Phelan for the position, and YAL backs those efforts. Tinderholt’s unwavering fight for the liberties of Texans proves that he is a better fit for the speakership than Phelan, who has faltered in delivering the people of Texas the freedoms they deserve.
Below is a statement from YAL Grassroots Director Bethany Young:
“We are proud to add Tony to our nationwide Hazlitt Coalition. He is a far better choice for Texas Speaker because of his commitment to universal school choice, parental rights, eminent domain reform, and a wide range of liberties which have been endangered by Speaker Phelan and his appointment of liberals to House committee chairmanships.”