

Free Speech
Once again, Freedom of Speech is under assault on campus in America.  On August 14,  Kennesaw State University removed Young Americans for Liberty’s (YAL) local chapter from their campus, with a staff member informing members that they were not allowed to set up a table to promote their organization due to the university’s “freedom of...
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The Student Rights Campaign (SRC) has scored yet another victory for Free Speech at the University of North Texas School System!  University of North Texas (UNT) had become infamous for its anti-speech culture on campus, with far-left radical students participating in “shut-downs” of both their conservative fellow students as well as guest speakers with whom...
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In a major upset, the Student Rights Campaign (SRC) has scored its LARGEST Free Speech victory! The California University System’s Board of Regents attempted to implement an anti-free speech policy that would have controlled posts that students made online, effectively censoring their speech.  Through the efforts of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) activists, a petition...
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With the rise of social media as the new marketplace of ideas, the uniparty elite has set their sights on stifling perhaps the last frontier of free speech in America, encapsulated in H.R. 7521, colloquially known as the TikTok ban bill. The bill, recently passed by a 352-65 margin, nominally would force Bytedance, TikTok’s Chinese...
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After Phil Pesheck, Director of Public Safety at South Dakota-based Black Hills State University (BHSU), prevented Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) activists from organizing on campus earlier this year, YAL fought back on behalf of free speech. And, after months of organizing against BHSU’s anti-speech policies, YAL—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is proud to announce today...
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  YAL’s Peyton Hornberger joins Randy Tobler to discuss Revolution 2023, FBI watch lists, free speech, and more!  
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November 30, 2022 VIA EMAIL to AND CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Keith Hahn General Counsel Western Michigan University 2010 Seibert Administration Building, Mail Stop 5423 Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5200 RE: The First Amendment Rights of Western Michigan University’s Young Americans for Liberty Dear Mr. Hahn,  I write on behalf of Young Americans for Liberty (hereafter, YAL)...
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Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is facing an ongoing censorship issue at Creighton University in Nebraska. YAL chapter members recently carried “Print Guns, Not Money” posters on campus, but the administration forced them to stop because the posters showed images of guns. One of YAL’s regional directors was even escorted off campus for carrying such a...
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Today, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) is proud to officially announce its 100th free speech-related victory on a college campus, this time at Boise State University in Idaho. Until recently, Boise State’s Student Organizations Handbook included “distribution” in its definition of “solicitation,” subjecting students’ political literature to the same speech-zone and permit policies as people...
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