With the Ohio Senate currently debating a new budget for the state, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is urging Ohio’s state senators to double down on including school choice provisions in the budget. As one of America’s leading advocates for education reform, YAL is also calling on the Ohio House of Representatives to reject any state budget that does not include universal school choice.
In 2023, YAL has mobilized thousands of activists in support of school choice, investing significant resources to advance school choice bills in not only Ohio, but also Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. In Ohio alone, the organization’s activists have knocked on nearly 4,000 doors to promote education reform on behalf of students and parents.
Below is a statement from YAL National School Choice Director Randan Steinhauser:
“Universal school choice in Ohio would be a game-changer, empowering families to choose the educational environment that best meets their children’s needs and fostering healthy competition among schools to improve the quality of education statewide. The Senate should double down on school choice and make it universal—ensuring that every child is eligible and funded to attend the school that works for them.”