

Once again, Freedom of Speech is under assault on campus in America.  On August 14,  Kennesaw State University removed Young Americans for Liberty’s (YAL) local chapter from their campus, with a staff member informing members that they were not allowed to set up a table to promote their organization due to the university’s “freedom of...
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The Student Rights Campaign (SRC) has scored yet another victory for Free Speech at the University of North Texas School System!  University of North Texas (UNT) had become infamous for its anti-speech culture on campus, with far-left radical students participating in “shut-downs” of both their conservative fellow students as well as guest speakers with whom...
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  The Student Rights Campaign (SRC) has been waging arguably its most important battle in its ongoing mission to defend the Constitutional rights of students nationwide: the fight for Constitutional carry on campus in South Dakota.  The campaign, which has been in operation for over two years, was initiated by SRC’s former South Dakota State...
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The Student Rights Campaign (SRC) is having an extremely successful year in 2024.  Following an amazing win for free speech in California, SRC has scored a victory for the right to self-defense for students on college campuses in Tennessee.  HB 1909, introduced to the Tennessee House of Representatives by Rep. Gino Bulso and co-sponsored by...
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In a major upset, the Student Rights Campaign (SRC) has scored its LARGEST Free Speech victory! The California University System’s Board of Regents attempted to implement an anti-free speech policy that would have controlled posts that students made online, effectively censoring their speech.  Through the efforts of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) activists, a petition...
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After Phil Pesheck, Director of Public Safety at South Dakota-based Black Hills State University (BHSU), prevented Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) activists from organizing on campus earlier this year, YAL fought back on behalf of free speech. And, after months of organizing against BHSU’s anti-speech policies, YAL—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is proud to announce today...
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Montana State University Young Americans for Liberty leaders recently made sure their voices were heard during a hearing on House Bill 517. This bill, sponsored by Rep. Mike Hopkins, (R-Missoula), is intended to add an amendment to the Montana state constitution which provides “duly elected lawmakers authority to enact laws to protect constitutional rights of...
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After months of mobilization against the University of Louisiana (UL) System’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is proud to announce victory. The UL System recently reversed mandates governing the nine member institutions after sustained action by YAL activists, with UL System websites no longer mentioning requirements or...
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Austin, TX — Today, Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—announced a nationwide mobilization on behalf of educational freedom in celebration of National School Choice Week, which begins on Sunday, January 22nd. As a $13 million organization, YAL plans to invest significant resources into the effort, mobilizing thousands of student activists...
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Young Americans for Liberty (YAL)—the nation’s most active youth liberty organization—is proud to announce a major victory for college students in Indiana. After being pressured by YAL student activists for months, the Indiana University (IU) System has finally decided to update its policies to include a specific carveout for pepper spray within the broader prohibition on weapons....
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